Yes, it is possible for a woman’s uterus to prolapse. A uterine prolapse occurs when pelvic floor muscles and ligaments weaken over time, allowing the uterus and upper vagina to move toward the vaginal opening.
This condition is known as uterine prolapse. It can occur in females of any age, but it is most likely to present in older women, usually 50 years of age or older. In fact, age and vaginal childbirth are the biggest risk factors for prolapse. The degree of which your uterus will prolapse will vary, but some women only have a mild prolapse which does not cause any symptoms.
In moderate to severe cases of a uterine prolapse, symptoms may develop and can become uncomfortable. Some common symptoms of a uterine prolapse include a sensation of heaviness or pulling in the vagina or pelvis, low back pain, bowel issues, difficulty walking, urinary problems such as frequent leakage or urgency concerns, or tissue protruding from the vagina. These symptoms may be able to be improved with various treatment options, depending on the severity of the prolapse.
Schedule an appointment or call us today to discuss the many treatment options available for urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and a variety of other bothersome pelvic health symptoms. We aim to provide quality, convenient, low-stress care to women throughout the Midwest.